For the third consecutive year, Andamur maintains its collaboration with the “Jesús Abandonado” foundation, this year focused on the actions that the foundation is carrying out regarding the health emergency in the Covid-19. From Andamur we have made an economic contribution to collaborate in the 400 daily services that are being offered and that include a hot dish at midday and a cold dinner at night.
A collaboration that we have made during the two previous years and that on those occasions consisted of the “Month of Bread” in which from Andamur we financed all the bread that was distributed in the dining room during a whole month. In addition, workers and managers of Andamur did a day of volunteer work in the soup kitchen of the city center of Murcia.
This action is part of our CSR plan #WeTakeCareOfWhatMatters, within its axis of social commitment and is added to other measures carried out during this health crisis in which we have donated 9,600 masks to the different reference hospitals in the communities where our Service Areas are located. We have also fitted out our washing facilities in Andamur Lorca and Andamur Guarromán so that emergency, safety and health vehicles can be washed free of charge.