The solidarity campaign You decide, with which we will donate EUR 30,000 to Spanish NGOs starts today, and we want our customers to be the main actors in this action. With this aim, users of our Service Areas will find tablets placed in all our stations from today until 15 December where they may choose the national, regional or local NGO they prefer.

We grow thanks to our customers and that is why we wish to get them involved in this action. This way, at Andamur, we wish to show our gratitude and commitment to all users.

The voting period will be closed on 15 December at 00:00. In the following days, Andamur will hand over cheques amounting to EUR 5,000 to the six NGOs that have obtained more votes, that is, one cheque for each of our Service Areas (La Junquera, San Román, Pamplona, Guarromán, Lorca and El Límite). A total amount of EUR 30,000 to be used in solidarity projects.

These are the NGOs or non-profit entities our customers may vote for:


National level: Save The Children. Fighting against child poverty

Regional level: Fundació Habitat 3. Right to a home for people living in a vulnerable situation.

Local level: Fundació Oncolliga Girona. Improving the life of cancer patients and their families.


National level: Fundación Aladina. Comprehensive support for children and adolescents suffering from cancer and their families.

Regional level: Cáritas Diocesana de Vitoria (Álava)

Local level: Fundación Adsis. Labour integration project for youngsters in vulnerable situations.


National level: UNHCR Spain. Humanitarian aid.

Regional level: ANFAS. Association in Favour of People with Intellectual or Development Disabilities and their Families in Navarra.

Local level: ANA. Association of Autism of Navarra. Summer School.


National level: SOS Children’s Villages. A Loving Home for Every Child.

Regional level: Pídeme la Luna Jaén. Association for entertainment activities for children with cancer.

Local level: APAEM Provincial Association of People with Mental Illnesses and their Loved Ones FEAFES APAEM. LINARES DELEGATION.


National level: Red Cross Spain. Educational Toy Project.

Regional level: Cáritas Region of Murcia. Cáritas Diocese of Cartagena. Comprehensive development of People and Villages.

Local level: APANDIS. Association of Parents with Children with Intellectual Disabilities in the Lorca Area. Setting up a Multisensory Room.


National level: Fundación Altius. Programme: I Cook Employment

Regional level: Almería Acoge. Reception Centres for Seasonal Workers in Nijar.

Local level: Association for People with Disabilities Virgen del Río of Huércal-Overa.

The campaign You decide is part of our CSR Plan #WeLookAfterWhatMatters, within our Social Commitment pillar. For this reason, the participation of our customers is very valuable to us in itself, and with it, we aim to make their voices heard and indeed listened to help us build a more responsible society.


Andamur pone en marcha la campaña Tú decides dentro de su plan de RSC #CuidamosLoQueImporta

Andamur pone en marcha la campaña Tú decides dentro de su plan de RSC #CuidamosLoQueImporta

From 2 to 15 December we are setting in motion the Campaign You decide, where our customers will decide what NGOs will receive a total donation of EUR 30,000.

Next 2-15 December we will launch the Campaign You Decide with which we wish to donate EUR 30,000 to different Spanish NGOs. To this end, we want our customers to be the main actors in this initiative, being in charge of choosing what NGOs operating at national, regional or local level will receive Andamur’s donation. And they will do so using tablets placed to this end in all our Service Areas.

Our customers make us grow on a daily basis, and that is why we make them take part in this action, showing this way how important they are to Andamur.

On 15 December the voting period will be closed and the outcome will be published on 20 December. Then, Andamur will hand over cheques amounting to EUR 5,000 to the six NGOs that obtained more votes. In total, we will donate a total amount of EUR 30,000 to be used in solidarity projects.

This action is part of our CSR Plan #WeLookAfterWhatMatters, within our Social Commitment pillar. This Corporate Social Responsibility Plan is made up of five pillars of importance to us: Caring for drivers; Ethics, Transparency and Communication; Environment, and People and Social Commitment.

Within this plan, the participation of our customers is very valuable to us, since they stand by our side day after day and they reinforce the value we bring to society. That is why, in campaigns like You decide, we wish to know your opinion and to have your support.





La Conducción autónoma de camiones facilitará procesos pero no prescindirá del chófer

La Conducción autónoma de camiones facilitará procesos pero no prescindirá del chófer

In recent years, technology has become a very important part of our lives, as well as within the logistics industry. In the case of transport, a self-driving truck is possible, but in specific places and under the supervision of a driver.

There are some functions where technology cannot replace the driver. However, self-driving trucks can reduce times in longer routes where drivers need to get some rest, saving time and achieving more profitability for transport companies. In international trips, self-driving trucks will have a bigger impact, reducing times and costs. But there are two essential functions on route that, for the time being, will still have to be performed by the driver:

Moving to the loading and unloading point in motorways and industrial parks. Self-driving trucks may circulate in motorways without any problem, but driving in industrial parks could be a problem, since there is poor signalling and difficult access. There, the help of a driver is needed to manoeuvre the truck owing to its dimensions.

Other cases are logistic platforms that you have to access at a specific time and where, in the meantime, the truck needs to wait in an appropriate place. This will depend on the driver’s experience.

Loading and unloading goods. Although loading and unloading of goods shall be carried out by machines, sometimes it is the driver him/herself who will be responsible for this.

When it comes to checking the goods, signing the relevant documents, in the event the road is closed for different reasons, bad weather, traffic or the condition of the vehicle, human action is irreplaceable.

El transporte español de mercancías por carretera aumenta en Europa un 21%.

El transporte español de mercancías por carretera aumenta en Europa un 21%.

Good news for the road freight transport sector in Spain. Results accounting for the second quarter of this year have been positive not only for Spain but for transport in the south of Europe as a whole. Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece have increased their freight transport by 21% compared with the same months of the previous year.   Yet this evolution differs from the results obtained in other exporting countries, such as Germany, France and Benelux countries, that have reduced their load by 20%, according to the specialised company TIMOCOM. This setback is mainly caused by transport of investment and industrial goods.

Particularly in the case of Germany, the 38% increase in tolls as from the beginning of the year has affected the transport market supply and demand. Compared with 2018, the country has experienced a 12% decline in supply.

However, in the case of Spain, the fruit and vegetables season is at its peak, according to TIMOCON analysts. Not only is Spanish transport at the core of the rest of productive sectors, but without it the movement of goods and services, combined with trade, industry or tourism would grind to a halt bearing important economic consequences.

TIMOCON, company specialised in data processing and IT solutions for smart logistics, carried out quarterly analyses of the supply and demand evolution of the freight and vehicle exchange by road in Europe by means of its transport barometer. According to experts, the data of this last analysis have been affected by Brexit that has had an impact compared to the previous quarter. Transport from Europe to the UK fell by 56% compared to the previous quarter.



Salaries, fuel and tyres are certainly the most important costs any transport company faces. Tyres alone are responsible for almost 30% of consumption. In recent years, research work has been carried out to turn tyres into saving elements, not only regarding costs but also CO2 emissions, always in compliance with legal requirements.

We will now go through the most advanced tyres in the market to save in the fuel consumption of your fleet:

  • Duravis R002. Bridgestone has launched new tyres for fleets. Designed to reduce the cost per kilometre thanks to their wear resistance and fuel optimisation. In addition to improving their grip on wet roads, they increase their lifetime by 45% and reduce fuel consumption by 15%.
  • Michelin X Multi Energy. Michelin has a type of tyre conceived to save fuel and extend lifetime. This type of tyre is marked by three innovative features: Infinicoil, which strengthens the tyre carcass and enhances stability throughout the tyre’s lifetime; Regenion, tread pattern designed to ensure good grip; and Powercoil, limiting bending heating and rolling resistance by means of more resistant steel wires.
  • KMAS GEN-2 and FUELMAX GEN-2. Goodyear has two new ranges of tyres for trucks: KMAS GEN-2 offers first-class mileage and enhanced traction, improving its performance by 25% in all weather conditions. In addition, it increases resistance to damage by 15% and fuel efficiency by 5%. FUELMAX GEN-2 also offers high fuel efficiency and provides a 10% mileage increase.
  • SP346 and SP446. Dunlop is launching two lines that have been specifically designed to offer high mileage, strong traction and durability in all applications. The new technology used involves a solid carcass, deep sipes for enhanced performance in winter and noise reduction.


Andamur celebra el Día de San Cristóbal

Today 10 June is the feast day of St. Christopher, patron saint of drivers, and in Andamur we want to celebrate it together with our customers! Everybody stopping by the Relaxing Corners in our Service Areas may enjoy a massage with a Physiotherapist and be given some advice on how to keep an ergonomic posture while driving. The main aim of this action related to the Third Commandment “THOU SHALT STAY HEALTHY WHILE DRIVING” is to improve the lives of professional drivers.

Andamur celebra el Día de San Cristóbal

At Andamur, the main aim of our CSR Plan #WeLookAfterWhatMatters is precisely to improve the lives of professional drivers, since they spend many hours in the truck and there are many things they have to bear in mind to ensure their health and security on the road. For this reason, we want to enable them to workout, follow a healthy diet, focus on driving ergonomics, get some rest or have a good time.

In addition, at the end of 2018, our Corporate Social Responsibility Plan was already initiated with the opening of the Andamur La Junquera gym, the only gym in a service station in the whole country. In April this year, the Farinato Transport Race took place, a competition for transport professionals. With these actions we wish to give truck drivers the possibility of staying fit.

In 2019, during the months of February and March, actions were carried out to help drivers keep a healthy and balanced diet, providing them with appropriate meals and granting them easy access to fruit in our service stations. In July and August, Andamur is focusing on the campaign HEALTHY DRIVING, taking good care of drivers to ensure their health and security on the road.

At Andamur, we are sure that we will continue enjoying a future full of great and positive experiences together, and to do this you can follow our campaign on social media, where you will find tips and useful contents for safe and secure driving.

Because at Andamur #WeLookAfterWhatMatters #StayHealthyOnTheRoad


At Andamur we keep growing and enlarging our station network across Spain by including three new service areas in Toledo (E.S. Valcarce el Casar de Talavera) and Granada (E.S Valcarce Gor and Láchar). These add up to the last three that joined our network back in April in Madrid (Ganesha combustible), Cuenca (Área de Uclés) and Guadalajara (Área 117 Torremocha del campo).


With the first three stations that joined the network, we increased our coverage in the north and south of the Iberian Peninsula in order to improve the services we provide to our customers and cover a higher number of locations accessible to them. With these new stations, we already have 31 associated service areas that have been strategically selected and that are offered in different Spanish locations with the same advantages as those owned by Andamur.


We have more than 650 stations distributed across 9 European countries. All of them give access to the main European roads and routes and offer Andamur customers the possibility of refuelling with the Andamur ProEurope card.


In brief, this is a new step forward in our aim to continue growing to keep making drivers’ lives easier, providing advantages and comfort in the transport sector, without forgetting the importance of providing solutions to the needs that truck drivers face on a daily basis. This way, not only do we enlarge the number of service stations at national and international level, but we also commit ourselves to being present in many locations to offer the best services.

Andamur renueva su imagen y sus áreas de servicio


At Andamur, we started a very demanding race 30 years ago: to offer our customers the best services on their daily life and their fleet’s on the road. Throughout these years, we have striven every day to enhance the security and comfort of those who trust us. In brief, we strive to look after what really matters: to contribute to the security of your business, to strengthen our relationship with you and to foster our bond whenever you need us on the road. We offer you refuelling options which adapt to your needs, a break, healthy food and the possibility of working out, taking a shower, getting on the Internet or washing your clothes.

As a result, and since we still have a long way to go, we start a new stage today: We renew ourselves, we improve and we grow for you and your business. Our stations are different as of today: they are newer, more modern, more updated but they still keep their essence. And the essence for us is to continue being loyal to our original values; those upon which we based our small local business that has more than 650 stations across Europe now.

Throughout the summer, we will implement our makeover in all our service stations. The first one has been our biggest station: Andamur La Junquera. In a few days we will complete the renovation of Andamur Guarromán and, throughout the summer, Andamur Pamplona, Andamur San Román, Andamur El Límite and Andamur Lorca will follow suit.

Andamur, #EveryTripMatters and we want to share it with you.


Andamur lanza ServiBOX, un único dispositivo de peajes apto 11 países de Europa

Andamur lanza ServiBOX, un único dispositivo de peajes apto 11 países de Europa

Today we are happy to present ServiBOX, a satellite toll device with which our clients can travel across 11 European countries with no interruptions or barriers, in an easy and smooth way. Not only do our clients receive a one-time regular charge, but they can also manage and control their consumption, modify their number plates and be aware of all the services there are from any mobile device. 

ServiBOX works in Spain, France, Portugal, Belgium, Belgian Tunnel, Belgium, Italy, Austria, A4 Poland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Germany. The new device grants access to all toll motorways in Germany and Scandinavian Countries, where we have recently increased our station network, with a total number of 650 service areas across Europe. In addition, by hiring this service, you may activate or deactivate countries at no additional cost. 

The ServiBOX satellite device offers great advantages, such as the possibility to use it in 14 different languages, a maximum delivery period of 5 working days, no need to pay a deposit and no need for a previous set up. 

By launching this device, we extend our toll device offer in Europe, providing services in a total of 11 countries: Spain, France, Portugal, Belgium, Belgian Tunnel, Belgium, Italy, Austria, A4 Poland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Germany. 

We are still committed to continuous growth, with the single aim to make our clients’ lives easier and to provide solutions to sector needs.


jesus abandonado Andamur 02

This is the second year in a row that Andamur and Fundación Jesús Abandonado have signed a collaboration agreement for Andamur to provide the community kitchen with all the bread consumed during the month of May. Therefore, as part of our CSR programme #WeLookAfterWhatMatters, a group of Andamur employees have participated as volunteers at the Community Kitchen at Murcia City Centre for one day.

Miguel Ángel López, Andamur CEO, has explained that “this year, we wanted our team to visit the facilities of this Foundation so that they could see with their own eyes the great social work that is carried out there on a daily basis”. 

The Andamur team visited the day centre, listened to the experience of a former Foundation user and participated in the kitchen service where meals were served to more than 300 people in one and a half hours.

For his part, José Moreno, chairman of the Foundation, has spoken about the importance of collaborating with regional companies such as Andamur, “it is very useful and necessary”, to cover the amount of a basic service like bread in this case, “and to know, in this day of corporate volunteerism, the reality of the people we pay attention to”. 

With this kind of actions, Andamur shows its commitment to institutions like Fundación Jesús Abandonado, which actively contribute to social causes. 

Together with this action, in Andamur we are giving bread for free in four of six of our own stations (Lorca, El Límite, San Román and Guarroman) on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the month of May to those vehicles refuelling more than 30 litres.