At Andamur, we’re committed to society and helping to build a better world for everyone.

Which is why, for the fourth year running, Andamur is supporting the Jesús Abandonado Foundation for Bread Month.

Our contribution is to cover the cost of the bread served in the foundation’s soup kitchens for the whole month. We take care of the bill for the bread for the Jesús Abandonado soup kitchens during the month of April, coinciding with the anniversary of the opening of El Límite on 14 April.


This year our donation will include all the proceeds from the sale of bread in our service areas.

We’ll also go a step further this year and all the proceeds from the sale of bread in our service areas during the month of April will be donated to the Jesús Abandonado Foundation. With this small gesture we want to strengthen our commitment to society and to this foundation and involve our customers in this social initiative.

In previous years, Andamur employees and managers volunteered for a day at the foundation’s soup kitchens. This year, due to the pandemic and to follow safety measures, the volunteering will take place as soon as possible when the situation allows it. Our employees will have the opportunity to volunteer for a day in the Jesús Abandonado Foundation’s soup kitchens to experience the great work that it does every day first-hand and learn about the reality of the users of the service.

With this kind initiative, Andamur shows its commitment to organisations like the Jesús Abandonado Foundation, which take up social causes and fight for public welfare.

This initiative is part of our #TakingCareOfWhatMatters CSR plan, under its Social Commitment focus, with which we engage with the spheres and groups in society most in need. In doing so we work towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals ‘No Poverty’ and ‘Zero Hunger’.

At Andamur we’re strengthening our commitment to the environment by expanding our network of multi-energy service stations in response to growing demand in the transport industry.

We’re committed to natural gas as a clean, safe and environmentally friendly fuel, since it reduces oxides of nitrogen and solid particle emissions. It also helps mitigate the greenhouse effect by eliminating sulphur emissions and reducing carbon monoxide (CO) and CO2 emissions by up to 25%.

From today, two of our partner stations located at strategic points for international transportation are supplying liquefied natural gas (LNG) and compressed natural gas (CNG) with the aim of providing a comprehensive service to carriers:

  • El Oliveral, operated by ALZ and located on the Ribarroja del Turia industrial estate (Valencia), offers a multitude of services such as a truck wash, café, shop and showers.
  • Marck Pas de Calais, operated by fuel card issuer C4T, is a very secure and comprehensive station in terms of services, located at a strategic point next to the Channel Tunnel connecting France and Great Britain.

At Andamur we’re creating a gas network for heavy international freight, aiming to meet all our customers’ needs on their long days at the wheel.

At Andamur we’re committed to the environment and, as it happens, in 2020 we became the first company in the industry to receive its Carbon Footprint Certificate.

Today is International Day of Forests and we want to take the opportunity to highlight the great work done by Bosqueo2, an association we’ve been working with for the last three years to keep the Andamur Forest growing.

One of the focal points of Andamur’s CSR Plan is the environment, and with each of the initiatives we undertake as part of this plan, we work towards the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Specifically, with our company’s forest we support SDG 13 Climate Action and SDG 15 Life on Land.

Today we interviewed Pedro Quiñonero Gómez, chairman of the Bosqueo2 Association

Why was Bosqueo2 set up? What are its main objectives?

Bosqueo2 was set up in late 2014 in a very modest way but with an enterprising spirit. In the Region of Murcia, there were very few organisations engaged in participatory reforestation.

Sharing a keen interest in the environment, some friends and I decided to create the association with the clear intention of doing something different to what was known until then. That was how we shaped the activities that we do today.

Activities that go beyond just planting a tree. We decided to make the planting more attractive by always adapting to the needs of the participants. The objectives were very clear from the start:

  • Carry out environmental restoration with a high success rate.
  • Raise awareness – through dissemination of our activities, among participants and the rest of society – of the importance of expanding forests in a territory at risk of desertification.
  • Make a good impression on the participants in the reforestation, whether by sponsoring specimens and creating personalised digital records or activities related to the day.
  • To make it easy for companies to sponsor forests, whether with the participation of their employees or direct sponsorship, always stressing the CO2 emissions that are offset by the initiative, and the fight against climate change.

How many specimens has Bosqueo2 planted so far?

Adding together the trees planted by educational centres and companies, over 6,000 specimens, all with guards to protect them from wildlife, a personalised digital record and watering for the first two years. They’re planted across 15 hectares of land where Bosqueo2 carries out its activities. On top of this, thousands of seeds have been sown in other projects undertaken by the association.

What are the main characteristics of these species?

The species we use adhere to a plan drawn up by foresters and implemented by Bosqueo2. These species – wild olives, mastics, blackthorns, buckthorns – are autochthonous varieties highly resistant to the droughts that are so common in the south-east, capable of sprouting new shoots in the event of fires. We always avoid monoculture, since biodiversity is greatly improved, and plagues have little effect on this kind of homogeneous forest.

What does it mean for Bosqueo2 to have companies, organisations and educational centres involved in its cause?

It’s very satisfying – when we started, we went from door to door explaining the project. We didn’t know whether it would generate interest among companies and educational centres. Fortunately, with a lot of effort and perseverance, we attracted interest, and everything got off the ground. The trust that companies and educational centres have placed in us these last few years is our raison d’être. It’s thanks to them that we’re able to do our planting, so we want them to come away feeling satisfied.


So far, how many organisations have worked with you?

Countless state and private educational centres in municipalities such as Lorca, Águilas, Murcia, Cartagena, Totana and Puerto Lumbreras.

As far as companies are concerned, each year we’ve had the support of various businesses, which have planted trees either in person or by providing sponsorship remotely on behalf of their employees or clients, who they offer a specimen alongside a very comprehensive digital record. We’ve worked with organisations in the telecommunications, commercial, industrial, transport, and energy and food distribution sectors, as well as foundations representing holding companies.

We adapt our planting to all kinds of needs. Flexibility is essential for carrying out these initiatives.

What is the most rewarding aspect of this project for you and the association’s other members/volunteers?

Although the work is sometimes hard, like when we’re watering in the middle of July or preparing the holes before the activities, it’s all worth it when, for instance, we remove the guards from the specimens a few years later because they’ve grown and need more space, or when we see participants in the activity visiting their specimens later to water them and take photographs alongside them. And, probably the most important aspect of the work is seeing the satisfaction in the faces of the participants once the activity is over and everything has gone as planned.

With a total of 48 stations across Spain, the Andamur service station network continues to grow.

On this occasion, five new partner stations have joined the extensive and varied network. The chosen locations were Los Pinos de Valverde (Huelva), Valverde del Camino (Huelva), Zalamea la Real (Huelva), Beneixida (Valencia) and Cadrete (Zaragoza).

Operated by DeOil, Galp and Shell, these new stations will enable Andamur to continue to position itself as a rapidly expanding brand, ready to offer the best services to all carriers.

For the last three years, every 8 March, Andamur has worked to highlight the role of female truck drivers under the motto ‘Strong, Capable, Truckers: WOMEN’.

For years, the professional transport industry was seen as a domain for men, in which there was no role for women. But according to European Commission figures in the Women in Transport-EU Platform for Change, 22% of transport professionals in Europe are women. This may seem like a small percentage, but more and more women are choosing to become professional drivers and fighting to overcome gender barriers.

As a company, Andamur is committed to an inclusive and diverse corporate culture. Currently, 64% of Andamur staff are women, involved at all levels of the organisation.

This commitment to equality and the visibility of women in the workplace is the starting point for our campaign, in which we share and promote our values with all our customers and with women truck drivers in particular every 8 March.

Andamur and International Women’s Day

At Andamur, each year we launch a Women’s Day campaign involving a number of initiatives at our service areas and on our social media. Last year we met three female truckers who shared their story with us: how they started out, why they like trucking and the difficulties or situations they’ve experienced as women. With this series of videos entitled Trucker Women, we were able to hear the stories of Cruz Fuentes, Vanessa Almagro and Luz Seller.

This year our campaign takes a 180-degree turn by choosing another perspective to give visibility to women: through the eyes of their male colleagues. This time it was male drivers who told us about their professional experience with the women, the courage and professionalism of female truckers, some anecdotes from their daily life and how they see the future of women in the transport profession.

To close the campaign, all the women truck drivers who visit an Andamur service area on 8 March will receive a waistcoat sporting the campaign slogan and the hashtag #SoyCamionera (#IAmAFemaleTrucker).

These initiatives for International Women’s Day are part of our CSR Plan Taking Care of What Matters, within the focus on driver care with which we aim to improve the day-to-day life of those who devote their lives to the road. And this week we focus on women.

With the International Women’s Day campaign and our commitment to an inclusive and diverse corporate culture, at Andamur we’re doing out bit to reach the UN’s SDG 5 Gender Equality.

At Andamur, in addition to our commitment to people, we take our responsibility towards our surroundings and the future of the environment seriously. We’re already taking a lot of action to reduce our environmental impact.

One of the issues that most concerns us is the creation of forests. Which is why we planted the Andamur Forest in 2019, in partnership with the Bosqueo2 association. The initiative involves planting a variety of tree species such as wild olive, Mediterranean buckthorn, black hawthorn and mastic in the Andamur Forest to see it grow each year.

In 2021, for the third year running, we remain committed to our forest. However, because of the pandemic, we haven’t been able to hold our usual team-building days and just a few colleagues were able to attend to represent the whole Andamur team.

Andamur’s fight to protect the planet and improve our surroundings is possible thanks to everything that the Andamur Forest brings to the environment:

  • It absorbs 5.6 tons of CO2 a year to offset emissions and improve our carbon footprint.
  • It combats the desertification of the land by planting tree and shrub species that protect and regenerate the soil.
  • It benefits the biodiversity of the environment thanks to the range of species planted.
  • It increases the presence of wildlife.
  • It improves the availability of food for wildlife.
  • It generates seeds that can spread naturally and expand the plant life to the surrounding area.
  • It improves the land’s resilience and ability to regenerate in the event of future episodes of drought, pests or fire thanks to the reforestation carried out with various native species. The Andamur Forest is ready to combat the climate change that threatens us.

This initiative is part of our CSR Plan #TakingCareOfWhatMatters, aimed at protecting the environment. The environment is everyone’s business, and the benefits that the Andamur Forest brings show us that every step we take contributes to its protection. At Andamur, we want to continue to do our bit to ensure the best possible future for our planet and to contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and SDG 13 Cimate Action in particular.

With 43 service stations across Spain, Andamur continues to position itself as a brand in full expansion, equipped to offer the best services on routes to Europe.

From tomorrow, Wednesday 10 February, Andamur has a new station in Barcelona’s Zona Franca. With this new station, Andamur now has two partner stations in this prime location between Barcelona’s port and airport.

The GM Fuel-branded service station, Servei Carrer 3, is located on road 29 of BZ 50-62 (Sector BZ) and offers a wide range of services for carrier, including Diesel A and AdBlue, 24h service (staffed from 5 am to 10 pm), restaurant, café, supermarket, laundry, showers, shop, toilets and self-service.

A safe bet to ensure that Andamur continues to be your ally on the road in 2021.

Andamur maintains its commitment to healthy living and renews its sports sponsorships

At Andamur, promoting healthy living has been a key part of all our projects since the beginning. Offering healthy, high-quality food in our restaurants, providing our customers with exercise facilities like the gym at the Andamur La Junquera service station and offering tips on doing exercise in a lorry cab are some of our initiatives for promoting healthy living.

Andamur remains committed to health and we know that one of the first steps in promoting healthy living is to get behind sport. That’s why we’re renewing our sponsorship this year of six local sports teams based near each of our service areas.

Andamur La Junquera: U.E La Jonquera

Andamur Lorca: Lorca Féminas A.D

Andamur El Límite: Huércal Overa C.F

Andamur Guarromán: Íberos Rugby Linares

Andamur Pamplona: Basket Navarra Club

Andamur San Román: Agurain Kirol Elkartea S.D Salvatierra

2020 was a tough year for these teams, who had to adapt their competitions to the restrictions that the pandemic brought about but always remained determined to keep going and achieve all their sporting objectives.

Committed to society and to health

This initiative pursues UN Sustainable Development Goal 3, Good Health and Wellbeing: “Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages”. The SDGs address challenges that we face every day, and their purpose is to achieve social equality.

AHMUR holds first assembly

  • Fostering research and implementation of renewable energy projects, as well as guiding energy transition and establishing the Region’s Green Hydrogen Valley, are the key targets of this new association.


  • Andamur, Enagás, Primafrio and Soltec, leading firms in the transport, logistics and energy industries, are the main association founders and members.


  • Cetenma, which is Murcia’s Energy and Environment Technology Center, provides technical guidance to the association


Murcia, February  3rd, 2021. AHMUR, pioneer Green Hydrogen association in the Region of Murcia, recently held its first assembly. This newly-created organization aims to lead energy transition in the Murcian region and to establish itself as reference and support for future projects in the area of technological applications and considerations linked to Green Hydrogen in a variety of sectors. A sustainable development model aiming for a carbon-free economy supported by renewable energies, including green hydrogen.

This association was founded by Murcia Region companies which are industry leaders, such as Andamur, specialists in comprehensive freight transports in European routes, with a large gas station network in 9 countries, as well as cards for fuel, tolls, repairs and taxes; Enagás, main natural gas carrier and Technical Operator of Spain’s Gas System; Grupo Primafrio, leading company in refrigerated transport of fruit and vegetable and pharmaceutical products; and Soltec, leading firm specializing in comprehensive photovoltaic solar energy solutions, with a special focus on solar tracking systems and innovation. All of them are supported by Cetenma, Murcia’s Energy and Environment Technology Center and Technical Lead for this association.

AHMUR was created to promote scientific analyses and research for implementation of projects based on renewable energies and green hydrogen. AHMUR focuses on serving as an instrument to inform and raise awareness amongst citizens. The aim is to give rise to a collective consciousness that fosters the use of clean energies and green hydrogen as a feasible alternative in order to reduce emissions and put an end to the negative consequences of today’s climate change.

On the other hand, this association intends to foster projects based on clean energies and green hydrogen, supporting public-private collaboration for dissemination and implementation of projects based on these technologies. In this regard, the draft for Murcia’s first hydrogen station was completed and successfully presented on December 19.

Some of the main aspects addressed by the Founding Assembly were the presentation and approval of the 2021 action plan; the appointment of key association positions; the approval of the 2021 budget; AHMUR’s assessment of other national and European associations in the area of green hydrogen and green hydrogen valleys; as well as the evaluation, and if applicable presentation to MITECO (Spain’s Department of Environmental Transition and Demographic Challenge), of the first green hydrogen projects in the Region of Murcia.


At Andamur we’re aware of the importance of nurturing and protecting the environment to ensure the best possible future for our planet. We’re fully engaged with the environment, which is why we’ve implemented a number of actions under the Environment Focus in our CSR plan, #CaringForWhatMatters. These actions seek to reduce the environmental impact of our activity.

All the environmental initiatives that we implement are geared towards reaching the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that the UN included in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Specifically, our environmental work centres on SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy; SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities; SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production; SDG 13: Climate Action; SDG 15: Life on Land; and SDG 17: Partnerships.

The installation of solar panels at our head office and service areas, use of recycled materials and recycling points in our offices are some of the measures we’ve already put in place. One of our biggest milestones in 2020 was becoming the first company in the industry to obtain Carbon Footprint Verification.

At the same time, multi-energy is now a reality at Andamur after we set up our first multi-energy service areas in 2020, which include Vehicular Natural Gas (VNG) at Andamur La Junquera and Andamur Guarromán, and electricity at Andamur San Román and Andamur Pamplona, thereby promoting the development of much more sustainable mobility.

Even so, at Andamur we know there’s still a long way to go, which is why, this year, we’re working to obtain the ISO 14001 Environmental Management certificate awarded by AENOR.

Within our environmental protection plan, we adopt 6 key commitments: promoting sustainable mobility, saving energy, reducing paper use, saving water, promoting recycling and other green measures such as cleaning up natural spaces and the existing Andamur Forest, which can absorb 2.8 tons of CO2 per year.

We believe there’s no such thing as a small action, which is why Andamur Ever Green includes actions in our offices such as reducing paper cups, introducing digital contracts and installing electric hand dryers, as well as more far-reaching measures such as installing green points and recycling points at our service stations, and automating lights according to natural light levels.

At Andamur, we know that caring for the environment is everyone’s responsibility and we wanted to motivate our employees so that they’re aware that, when it comes to protecting the environment, every action counts towards the common goal of achieving better protection.