Entries by andamur

Tips for driving during bad weather

In bad weather, driving a truck becomes even more difficult. Rain and other adverse weather conditions such as snow and fog have a direct impact on road conditions which, in turn, affect how you drive. Therefore, Andamur, following some General Directorate of Traffic indications, gives you some tips to drive your truck more safely in […]

Our Network grew in 2021 with new strategic locations across Europe

<<We have more than 700 stations in 9 European countries>> Aware of how important it is for our customers to be able to plan their journeys properly, in 2021 we significantly expanded our Service Station Network, our own and partner stations alike, contributing to optimising mileage and time. These new strategic points are in addition […]

Freight transport in Portugal: what you need to know in order to manage your fleet if travelling to or from Portugal

For freight transport companies, operating international routes in Europe requires a significant amount of organisation and management. Oversight with regard to aspects such as service stations close to the destination, tolls, refuelling cards, etc. is key when it comes to organising the routes of your fleet. At the end of 2019, Andamur began to operate […]

The new EU regulation that obliges road transport operators to declare the international trips of their drivers

On February 2, new European Union regulations on the movement of drivers came into force. These regulations state that road transport operators that conduct international trips are obliged to declare their drivers trips in advance. The declarations of the trips are completed using an online portal developed by the European Commission where road transport operators […]

Tips on driving a truck at night

Freight transport workers come up against significant challenges in their day-to-day life. One of the challenges you professional drivers face is driving at night. Having no natural light requires greater concentration, resulting in greater effort on the part of the driver and, therefore, greater levels of fatigue. At Andamur, we are aware of the difficulties […]

Poland: what you need to know to manage your fleet on Polish soil

International journeys around Europe involve a great deal of organisation and management work by freight transport companies. Aspects such as tolls, service stations, devices that make your journeys more bearable… are important when organising and planning journeys for your fleet. Poland is positioned as a major European player in international road and rail transport. Its […]