Entries by andamur

Buying a new or used lorry: advantages, disadvantages and tips

When buying a lorry, it’s important to take into account a few different things: whether it’ll be a new or second-hand lorry, what is going to be transported, what it must have before deciding which one to go for… At Andamur, we help you to take this significant step in your career so that you […]

Do you want to learn how to take advantage of tax recovery?  Find out how

Freight transportation through Europe involves a series of processes and essential certificates so that fleets can complete their routes with maximum safety and comfort, some of which involve the payment of taxes. To this end, it is important to understand the tax refund process. Andamur can tell you all you need to know about certificates, […]

6 tips to keep your lorry in perfect condition

Keeping the lorry in good condition is essential to ensuring the safety of fleets and transported goods. Inadequate vehicle maintenance can be the cause of accidents and other unforeseen events while driving. We at Andamur want to give you 6 tips to keep your lorry in perfect condition and prevent any issues at the wheel. […]


Andamur supports healthy living by sponsoring 6 sports teams

At Andamur, we are committed to promoting healthy living and sports. That is why we take actions that are focused on caring for drivers and for our customers, such as offering quality healthy food in the restaurants of our Service Areas, making sport available to our customers by providing facilities such as the gym in […]

Tips for driving during bad weather

In bad weather, driving a truck becomes even more difficult. Rain and other adverse weather conditions such as snow and fog have a direct impact on road conditions which, in turn, affect how you drive. Therefore, Andamur, following some General Directorate of Traffic indications, gives you some tips to drive your truck more safely in […]

Our Network grew in 2021 with new strategic locations across Europe

<<We have more than 700 stations in 9 European countries>> Aware of how important it is for our customers to be able to plan their journeys properly, in 2021 we significantly expanded our Service Station Network, our own and partner stations alike, contributing to optimising mileage and time. These new strategic points are in addition […]

Freight transport in Portugal: what you need to know in order to manage your fleet if travelling to or from Portugal

For freight transport companies, operating international routes in Europe requires a significant amount of organisation and management. Oversight with regard to aspects such as service stations close to the destination, tolls, refuelling cards, etc. is key when it comes to organising the routes of your fleet. At the end of 2019, Andamur began to operate […]

The new EU regulation that obliges road transport operators to declare the international trips of their drivers

On February 2, new European Union regulations on the movement of drivers came into force. These regulations state that road transport operators that conduct international trips are obliged to declare their drivers trips in advance. The declarations of the trips are completed using an online portal developed by the European Commission where road transport operators […]