Entries by andamur

Why driving and stress are a bad combination

The lorry, your loyal travelling companion who travels with you for thousands and thousands of miles, is sometimes the first one to be affected by your state of mind. Because this is directly related to the way you drive. Stress is the main cause of physical and emotional strain on industrial vehicle drivers.  According to […]

Tips for driving in bad weather

We’re gradually getting to the colder months. This means there can be rain, snow and fog, something directly related to road condition and to the way we should drive. Even if you’re an experienced driver, you should always remember the following tips when driving your lorry in bad weather: Caution on wet roads. The rain […]


Andamur presents the first gym in a service area

Yesterday we officially opened up a gym in our Andamur Service Area of La Junquera, which has become the first station with this offer in the whole country. These new facilities are a clear example of the commitment we have acquired to make drivers’ lives healthier. It is an important improvement in our service proposal […]


Andamur Guarromán and La Junquera renew their shower and toilet facilities

Fully aware of the importance of providing our users with the best services while they travel by road, we have carried out an integrated renovation process in the shower and toilet facilities at Andamur Guarromán and La Junquera service areas. These facilities are very much frequented, so with these alterations we want to optimise our […]

Do you use commercial diesel? We offer you fuel cards adapted to your needs

Each transport company has different needs in terms of commercial diesel depending on many factors: total number of kilometres travelled every month, routes followed, type of vehicles, etc.  That is why it is necessary to adapt the fuel offer to each type of fleet. At Andamur, we see it every day in our petrol stations […]

Éxito en el evento networking WConnecta 2018

El equipo comercial de Andamur se ha mostrado muy satisfecho con nuestra participación en WConnecta 2018, el evento networking de transporte más importante de Europa que se ha celebrado este viernes en Madrid. En Andamur hemos participado en este evento con un stand informativo en el que nuestro equipo comercial se ha reunido con decenas […]

All of Andamur stations have now the SGS Seal of Quality

As of today, all of Andamur stations have the SGS Seal of Quality, a certification ensuring consumers that the fuel they purchase complies with the highest quality standards. After the Andamur station in Lorca obtained this certification, the rest of our service stations in Spain have followed suit. Therefore, Andamur stations have become the only […]