Entries by andamur

Andamur and its Team make a donation to the ALCA Project (Alternative to the Street) with its internal action “Breakfast with a Smile”

For a year the workers of Andamur and the company itself have collaborated with the solidarity initiative “Breakfast with a smile” which began on November 20 last year, Universal Children’s Day. Since that day Andamur provides daily to its team of service areas and business centre, coffee and fresh fruit for breakfast. The employees were […]

Requirements for the transport of dangerous goods

Requirements to transport dangerous goods: what do you need? Transport dangerous goods It is a task that requires a lot of responsibility. This is why its transportation is governed by strict regulations and it is not only enough to have the license for the vehicle being driven, but it is also necessary to have a […]


Experts and companies in the transport sector meet in the virtual round table “Calculating the Carbon Footprint in the Transport Sector”

On November 4th in Andamur we held the virtual round table “Calculating the Carbon Footprint in the Transport Sector” with the participation of experts and leading companies to analyze the state of the sector in this area. Miguel Ángel López Sánchez, CEO of Andamur; May López Díaz, Director of Business Development for Sustainable Mobility; Manuel […]

Balancing technology and human capital: the long-term success of freight transport

There is an excessive dispersion in the road transport sector, as according to a study carried out by the company Coyote Logistics, 50% of transporters are working for more than 30 logistics companies in parallel. Due to the complexity and unpredictability of this sector, the company providing logistics services to third parties has carried out […]


We join the platform “Empresas por la Movilidad Sostenible”

“Empresas por la Movilidad Sostenible” (Companies for Sustainable Mobility) continues growing, this time with the incorporation of Andamur Within mobility, a key point is to be able to guarantee the supply of different types of energy for all types of vehicles and routes. For this reason, we proudly join EMS “Empresas por la Movilidad Sostenible”. […]

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We are committed to innovation with the iAndamur programme

Since the beginning of Andamur we have been an innovative company, being leaders in the implementation of products and services that until then were not offered in the sector (the construction of the Andamur La Junquera Service Area, the launch of the first bank card for the Transport sector, the construction of the first safety […]


Andamur launches its first natural Gas Station in Guarromán (Jaén)

>> Andamur Guarromán has become our first multi-energy station equipped to supply gas, electricity and traditional fuel, meeting the growing demand in the transport sector. Andamur customers can now fill up with liquified natural gas (LNG) and compressed natural gas (CNG) at the first of its natural gas stations at the Andamur Guarromán Service Area. […]

Why you should change your truck’s air filter

Your truck’s air filter is key to the operation of your engine, yet we often overlook its maintenance. The function of the air filter is to prevent dust and dirt from entering the engine, which in turn causes it to become clogged over time and needs to be replaced. Modern trucks generally have two air […]