Entries by andamur


Andamur presents its first Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2019-2020

>> In cooperation with the University of Murcia CSR Department, Andamur has completed a full structure cycle in the form of a materiality assessment, CSR Plan and statement via this report. Andamur has presented its first Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2019-2020 in cooperation with the Murcia CSR Department. The report outlines the company’s commitment, actions […]

Haulage in Germany: what you need to know to manage your fleet on German soil

Transport companies with international routes in Europe have a significant workload managing all aspects related to their routes, requiring a great deal of organisation and control, as well as good documentation management to save time and cost. Companies must keep abreast of all the traffic information and the taxes levied in each countries in order […]

10 tips for professional drivers during the summer

Professional driving is an incredibly hard job, especially when summer arrives with its high temperatures and long journeys. During these hot months, it’s important to keep a lorry ready for its journeys, as well as to follow some recommendations for avoiding heat stress (or heat stroke) caused by the high temperatures. Lorry maintenance tips The […]

Six new partner stations join our network in Spain

Andamur now has 57 service stations in its national network. With six new additions this June, we have significantly expanded the locations where we’re available to our customers. Our six new stations are: Nanclares de Oca in Vitoria La Isla in Dos Hermanas, Seville Hospitalet De L’Infant in Tarragona Two new stations in Navarra: Tudela […]

Haulage in France: what you need to know to manage your fleet on French soil

For a haulage firm, European routes involve a lot of organisation and documentation for the country your fleet is travelling through. Tolls, transportation routes, tax recovery, mandatory signs, certificates of posting… France is one of the countries that Spanish carriers travel through most frequently. Almost any haulage in Europe must pass through our neighbouring country […]

Andamur Connect, a new digital environment in one click

At Andamur, we know how important it is to simplify processes to help our customers save time. And a linchpin of our work is our commitment to offering you the best products and services to meet all your needs as transport companies. Which is why we’ve taken another step forward in digitisation, launching a simple […]

This is what you need to know about tolls in Europe and Andamur toll devices

Travelling hundreds of kilometres a day means using toll roads. European routes involve a great deal of organisation and documentation related to tolls before setting out. On many European motorways and dual carriageways, the state or licence holders charge fees to professional drivers. In addition, prices and payment methods vary. Whether you’re a transport company […]