In Andamur we take care of what really matters and we are aware of the importance of the environment for the future of our planet. We are thoroughly involved with sustainability, and thus, we have implemented a series of actions as a part of our SCR program #CuidamosLoQueImporta looking to reduce the environmental impact on our activity.
The installation of solar panels in our headquarters and service stations, the usage of recycled material and the establishment of recycling points in our offices are some of the measures already in practice. However, in Andamur we are aware that there is still a lot of work to do. Our goal is to develop both short and long term a series of sustainable projects in order to gain the ISO14001 Certificate in Environmental Management granted by AENOR and the Carbon Footprint Certification.
Our sustainable plan is divided in 5 major commitments: paper usage reduction, saving in water consumption, promoting recycling, saving in the consumption of energy and other measures to protect the environment like the cleaning of natural spaces and the already existing Andamur Forest which is able to absorb 2.8 tons of CO2 per year.
We believe that there are no small actions and hence, Andamur Sustainable covers from actions taken place in our offices such as the removal of paper glasses, the implamantation of digital contracts or the installation of electrical handryers, to broader scope measures like the installation of green and recycling points in our stations or the automating of lighting according to the level of natural light.
Here in Andamur, we know that environmental caring is an everyone’s job and we want to encourage our employees to accept this challenge with us. For this reason, we have given them each seeds so our work and commitment for a more sustainable world begin to bear fruit.