Andamur Promotes Awareness Campaign Among Its Customers for World Environment Day

At Andamur, we celebrate World Environment Day with an awareness campaign aimed at our customers. This year, we are giving away bamboo toothbrushes to encourage the use of sustainable alternatives in daily life to all customers who visit our Service Areas on June 5th. In terms of environmental protection and improvement, every gesture counts. Some notable data regarding the use of traditional toothbrushes and their environmental impact are as follows: a person uses around 300 toothbrushes in their lifetime. In Spain, 160 million toothbrushes are sold annually, generating 2,800 tons of waste. Toothbrushes account for 1% of the plastic in the oceans. A toothbrush takes over 400 years to decompose in the sea. These figures are highly relevant for raising awareness.

In addition to this initiative, Andamur undertakes various environmental actions, including:

Carbon Footprint Compensation: We calculate, reduce, and compensate for our carbon footprint. To this end, we have signed an agreement and collaborated in the restoration of the Communal Forest of Paradela de Bemil in Caldas de Reis, Pontevedra, affected by a fire in 2017. We have offset 1,329 tons of CO2 through the planting of 10,100 trees over two years.

Andamur Forests: We promote biodiversity and combat desertification in southern Spain. In Lorca, Murcia, we have planted 1,400 native trees that will absorb 56 tons of CO2 annually. In Guarromán, Jaén, we have planted 300 trees with the participation of our team and local students, contributing to the absorption of 18 tons of CO2 annually.

Environmental Volunteering: Together with NaturActúa, we organize beach clean-up days in the Cope-Calnegre Regional Park, collecting 115 kilos of waste and protecting local vegetation.

At Andamur, we are committed to sustainability and social responsibility. We hold environmental certifications such as UNE-EN ISO 14001 and UNE-EN ISO 14064:1. We focus on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, especially SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy, SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, SDG 13: Climate Action, SDG 14: Life Below Water, SDG 15: Life on Land, and SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals.

Our CSR Plan “We Care About What Matters” aims to raise awareness about the importance of acting responsibly to preserve resources for future generations.