Andamur celebrated Women’s Week by giving a big boost to our WOW Women on the Way initiative, holding the III International Forum on Women and the Transport Sector and the seventh edition of our Soy Camionera (I am a Truck Driver) campaign.

Reaffirming our commitment to equality in transport, at Andamur we promote key initiatives to make visible and empower women in the sector.

It has been several years since we at Andamur started working for true equality and to give visibility to women in the transport sector, but undoubtedly 2024 was a very important year in that sense, with the launch of the WOW Women on the Way movement. WOW embodies Andamur’s unwavering commitment to gender equality and diversity. It is an umbrella under which all our actions, projects and programs designed to increase the visibility and empowerment of women in the transportation sector are housed.

Soy Camionera: Strong, Capable, Truckers: Women. 

Our Soy Camionera campaign: Strong, Capable, Truckers: Women reaches its seventh edition and reaffirms the objective with which it was born in 2019: to give visibility to the role of women truckers in the transportation sector.

From March 3 to 9, our Andamur Service Areas are dressed in purple to celebrate Women’s Week and its star action is that all those truckers who pass through Andamur during those dates will receive a WOW, Women on the Way detail, consisting of: bracelet, sticker and card with QR code to send them this year’s gift; a set consisting of a windbreaker and cap with the slogan of the campaign.

Great reception of the III International Forum Women and Transport Sector in Malaga and celebration of the I Edition of the WOW Women on the Way Awards.

Our III International Forum Women and Transport Sector has once again exceeded all expectations, consolidating itself as a reference event in the sector. The event, held last Thursday, February 20 at the Automobile Museum of Malaga, brought together prominent personalities of the road transport sector, making visible the role of women in this industry and generating a space for enriching debate on the challenges and opportunities of the future.

From the beginning of the session, the need to continue advancing in gender equity and to recognize the contribution of women in the transport sector was highlighted.

At the end of the day, the first edition of the WOW awards was held, recognizing the talent of women in the sector in three categories: A Life on Wheels: María Dolores Rodríguez, Innovative Management: Yolanda Águila, Business Trajectory: Marta Sánchez and finally, an honorary award for Maria Dolores Sánchez, founder of Andamur.

Events that add up during Women’s Week

We attended the event Women’s Leadership and Sustainability: Together towards a responsible future. A day created to inspire and connect with women experts through presentations, workshops and entertaining presentations that will detail how we can promote sustainable practices in our daily decisions, as well as in our organizations and business projects. The event has been organized by the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia and Orthem Hozono Global Group.

Through our WOW initiative, we sponsored and attended the 3rd National Congress of Women in Transport, organized by Difundalia. An event that has been taking place since 2023 and aims to value the contribution of women in the transport sector, in addition to promoting transport in all its forms and, from a social point of view, to give it the prominence and visibility it deserves.

We are also present this year at the third edition of Women’s Fleet, a unique event that brings together women leaders in the automotive and transport industry in Poland. With the aim of continuing to connect with great professionals and initiatives in the sector, Magdalena Galązka, International Team Leader at Andamur, will be part of the round table “Women in Transport”, organized by Truck & Trailer magazine, which will take place on Friday, March 7 from: 10:00h to 11:00h, and where she will also present the initiative WOW – Women On The Way.

Event program

We received the 8M Award from the Region of Murcia 2025 for its WOW Women on the Way initiative.

And as a finishing touch to a week full of actions, on March 7 we will receive the 8M Award of the Region of Murcia, granted by the Ministry of Social Policy, Families and Equality of the CARM, awards that recognize the work of women and organizations committed to gender equality. 

We will be awarded the “prize to the group or individual or legal entity that has stood out for its work or activity in the Region of Murcia for its fight for equality between men and women in the regional area”. With our WOW initiative, launched in 2024 during the edition of the II International Forum Women and Transport Sector, aims to increase the visibility and participation of women in the field of transport, where they currently represent between 2 and 3% of the workforce. But since 2019 in Andamur we have implemented various actions, such as the organization of International Forums (the last one just a week ago in Malaga), awareness campaigns and training programs aimed at women interested in the sector. These initiatives seek to break stereotypes and promote an inclusive and diverse work environment. “This is an initiative to give visibility to women in the transport world and promote real equality within the sector. The projection of this movement has been unstoppable, reaching countries such as Portugal, Poland and Morocco,” acknowledged the Councilor for Social Policy, Families and Equality, Conchita Ruiz.

Other award winners will be:

Concepción Martínez (“Chitina”): Founder and vice-president of the Association of Relatives of Children with Cancer of the Region of Murcia (Afacmur), named “Woman of the Year”.

Within the regional network of women’s associations, María Dolores Bolarín, president of the Women’s Center of San Antolín, where she has worked tirelessly to promote equality and support women in vulnerable situations, and Agustina Moreno, of the Santa Florentina de La Palma Association of Bobbin Lace Makers, in Cartagena, received special mentions.

María del Pilar Vidal: Civil Guard of the VioGén team in Calpe, has been recognized for her career, involvement and humanity in protecting victims of gender violence.

Firm commitment to equality

Since 2019, from Andamur we have demonstrated with facts our commitment to gender equality in the transport sector, promoting pioneering initiatives and creating spaces of visibility and recognition for women in the industry. Women’s Week 2025 not only reinforces this commitment,but also projects it even beyond our borders.

The 8M Award of the Region of Murcia is an important endorsement of our work and motivates us to continue working to make transport a more inclusive and equitable sector. With initiatives such as WOW Women on the Way, Soy Camionera and the International Forums, Andamur will continue to be a benchmark in the fight for equality.

Because diversity is not just a goal, but the road we travel every day.