Andamur Reinforces Its Commitment to Sustainability in its Fourth Annual Report

<< The 2023 sustainability report highlights gender equity in the transportation sector, driver care, and CO2 neutrality. >>

Andamur presents its fourth Sustainability Report, highlighting the numerous actions and achievements in this area during 2023. These efforts are framed within its CSR Plan “We Care About What Matters,” structured around five key pillars: people, driver care, social commitment, environment, and corporate governance. Some of the notable achievements in 2023 mentioned in the report include:

Main Achievements of 2023:

Agreement with DKV Mobility:

Andamur signed a strategic agreement with DKV Mobility, which acquired a majority stake in Road Solution Pro, S.L. This agreement strengthens the strategy of both companies and expands their presence in Spain.

Gender Equity in the Transportation Sector:

Since 2019, Andamur has promoted gender equity in the transportation sector with the initiative “Strong, Capable, Female Truckers: Women.” In 2023, it took a further step by organizing the “1st International Forum on Women and the Transportation Sector” to promote equality in the industry.

Driver Care:

With over 35 years of supporting drivers, Andamur improved its facilities in 2023 by adding a new gym and a bicycle lending service at Andamur San Román.

CO2 Neutrality:

Andamur maintains its commitment to CO2 neutrality, offsetting 926 tons of CO2 in 2022.

Alignment with SDGs and Transparency:

All of Andamur’s CSR actions are aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and follow GRI standards to ensure transparency. Additionally, Andamur closely collaborates with the Murcia CSR Chair, conducting materiality studies in 2020 and again in 2023 to identify the concerns of its stakeholders and guide its CSR strategy.

Presentation of the Report:

The 2023 Sustainability Report was presented internally by Miguel Ángel López, CEO of Andamur, during their annual convention and the María Dolores Awards ceremony, which recognizes outstanding employees for their commitment, complicity, and perseverance.

The full report and detailed CSR actions are available at