<<Through an innovation workshop, we showed them our RD&I programme, iAndamur, and how it’s possible to grow and improve with new models based on innovation, networking and creativity>>
The first iAndamur Workshop for Start-Ups took place last July at our headquarters in Lorca. Start-ups from various sectors participated: ihelpU, Sevensystem, Yohumanize, Reparaciones Técnicas del Plástico, Nivimu, ClimaticCo, APPCC-CONTROLLER and bodies like the INCOOVA programme of the CROEM (the Regional Confederation of Business Organizations of Murcia) and the CEEIC (the Cartagena European Business and Innovation Centre).
The main objective of this workshop was to stimulate innovation in these startups, so we began by explaining our iAndamur innovation programme, which, among other things, includes:
- The way in which we capture our team’s business ideas, through Design Thinking exercises to stimulate creativity
- Recognition of workers who transmit their innovative ideas to us
- Relationships with other innovation organisations
- The methodology that we’ve created for developing innovative projects is based on Lean Startup and falls within the framework of Standard UNE 166002
The workshop consisted of explaining our own innovation methodology, delving into how to apply it in practice and some of the main mistakes made when developing innovation projects.
We talked about the 4 recognitions that Andamur awards to employees who transmit the most innovative ideas, and we proposed 13 possible recognitions that the participants could use in their own companies.
We also discussed the potential of connecting with a good network of innovation organisations, which help us develop our company’s RD&I. These partnerships multiply a company’s innovative potential.
Finally, through a Design Thinking exercise, we explained how to identify business ideas, looked at some techniques for defining customers’ needs more clearly and the different variants that can emerge from an idea to meet a need, and we created a prototype of the ideas that we came up with throughout the day.
The workshop was guided by our innovation managers: Director of Services, Quality and Innovation Gabriel Veiga Dopico, and Head of Innovation Pedro Núñez del Castillo.
This first iAndamur Workshop for Startups is another example of our commitment to entrepreneurship and innovation, and we hope that all attendees can apply the methodology in their startups.